Many diets have benefits beyond weight loss. The biggest challenge is finding what works for you. Dieting is not just about losing weight. But it’s the gateway to improving your habits, maintaining your health, and living a more active lifestyle. However, with so many diet plans out there, it can be difficult to get started. Different diets are more appropriate, consistent and more effective for each person.
Some diets aim to suppress appetite and reduce food intake. Other diets limit calories, carbohydrate, or fat intake without restricting certain foods. Some focus on specific dietary and lifestyle changes.
Moreover, many of them offer health benefits in addition to weight loss. Here are the nine best meal plans that will improve your overall health.
The three senses influence the eating experience
Food is about the senses. Taste, smell, sight, touch and sound also play an important role in how we enjoy our food.
The taste
Taste is very important when evaluating food. There are more than 10,000 taste buds that have evolved to like sweet, salty and rich (also known as fatty) foods. Because it is rich in calories and nutrients necessary for survival.
In a study conducted by Yale University researchers. It turned out that mice were genetically bred without a sweet taste. Initially, I preferred sugar water over plain water. After a few days, the Chinese enjoy the water. Because sugar water contains calories, it’s a valuable bonus.
Drinking sugary drinks also stimulates the release of dopamine. It plays a key role in reward-related brain behavior. However, it is true that humans are more complex than rodents. But this experiment shows that taste preferences can be changed.
The smell
Aroma works closely with taste to create flavor. There are five tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami), but thousands of aromas help you identify what you’re eating.
Smell also helps the brain decide whether to burn or store calories.
In an experiment conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, decapitated rats still smelled high-fat foods, even though they ate normal-smelling rats. I found it possible
This science is very new. But if it can be used on humans in the future, it could be a target for weight loss therapy.
Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is considered the gold standard in nutrition. Disease Prevention, Health and Longevity. Based on nutritional benefits and sustainability
The Mediterranean diet is based on the diet of the people of countries like Italy and Greece. It is rich in:
- Vegetables
- the fruit
- Cereals
- the fish
- Bean
- Bean
- Olive oil
Eat meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products in moderation.
Additionally, the Mediterranean diet:
- Fine grains
- Trans fats
- Processed meat
- Extra sugar
- Other highly processed foods
Health benefits
This diet focuses on minimally processed foods and plants. It reduces the risk of many chronic diseases and increases life expectancy. It has been shown to have a protective effect against cancer.
Although this diet is designed to reduce the risk of heart disease, some studies have shown that a diet high in plant-based unsaturated fats can help you lose weight .
A systematic review analyzing five different studies found that a Mediterranean diet led to greater weight loss after one year than a low-fat diet. Similar weight loss results were achieved when compared to a low-carb diet .
A study of 500 adults over a 12-month period found that a Mediterranean diet was less likely to maintain weight .
In addition, the Mediterranean diet promotes the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants. It helps fight inflammation and oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals .
Other benefits
A recent study found that a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline and mental disorders like depression.
Eating less meat is also linked to a more sustainable diet for the planet.
This is because the Mediterranean diet places less emphasis on dairy products. It is important to get enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet.
The Diet to Stop High Blood Pressure (DASH) is a diet plan designed to treat or prevent high blood pressure. known as high blood pressure medicine.
It focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, fruits. and more lean meat and less salt, red meat, sugar and fat. The DASH diet is not a weight loss diet. However, many people report that they will gain weight while following it.
The DASH diet supports specific foods from different food groups.
For example, a typical person following the DASH diet would eat:
- 5 parts of vegetables
- five pieces
- 7 Good carbs, whole grains
- 2 parts low-fat milk
- Red meat for 2 servings or less
In addition, we recommend eating nuts and seeds 2-3 times a week .
Health benefits
The DASH diet lowers high blood pressure and greatly reduces the risk of heart disease. It can also reduce breast and colon cancer .
For example, a review of 13 studies showed that people who ate the DASH diet lost more weight in 8 to 24 weeks than those who did not follow the diet .
Another study of overweight adults over 12 weeks found that the DASH diet helped participants lose weight. Body fat percentage total fat and maintain a healthy body weight .
Other benefits
In addition to obesity, the DASH diet may help fight depression .
An eight-year controlled study found that a high DASH diet was associated with a lower risk of depression.
The DASH diet can help people with high blood pressure lose weight and lower blood pressure. However, the evidence on salt intake and blood pressure is mixed.
Low salt has been shown to improve insulin resistance. Therefore, a low-salt diet is not the best choice for everyone.
A low-sodium diet, such as the DASH diet, is ideal for people with high blood pressure or other health conditions. those who benefit from sodium or need to reduce it .
More research is needed in this area to understand how a low-sodium diet affects insulin resistance in normotensives.
Vegetarian diet and flexible diet
Vegans and vegetarians are vegetarians who avoid animal products for health, lifestyle and environmental reasons.
However, there are also flexible vegan options, such as flexible vegan diets. This is a vegetarian diet that allows you to eat animal products in a balanced way.
A vegetarian diet limits any kind of meat. However, dairy products are allowed. A vegetarian diet excludes all animal products. as well as dairy products, butter, and other additives such as honey.
A flexible diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet. Because there are no clear rules and recommendations for calories and macronutrients. The principle is:
- Get protein from plants instead of animals.
- Eat fruits, vegetables, legumes. and whole grains
- Reduce sugar and sweets.
It also makes them sometimes change to eating meat and animals.
Health benefits
Many studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can reduce chronic diseases. in addition to increasing indicators of metabolic capacity to reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It can also help you lose weight.
A flexible diet has been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve metabolic health and blood pressure.
Other benefits
For those who want to live a sustainable lifestyle Reducing meat consumption can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. deforestation and land destruction .
Plant-based diets, such as vegetarian and vegan diets, can be difficult to maintain and can have limited effects. Especially when you switch from eating meat to food.